Sabtu, 30 September 2017

 The Importance Of Photos For The Human

The photo is one activity that many enjoy doing, including my own, especially the youth of today. Because of photo that we can capture the important moments in life or the moments that have passed can be made a memory. From the results of my experience and observations about the results-the results of a photo that I created through the camera hp generate ideas. Not only is it eye also very peting , because the eye is one of the five senses that is very useful to perform daily activities. see the object and to observe what is happening in our environment. One of the gifts of God Almighty to this we should be grateful because it is very useful to humans.

I am not an expert in the field of the photos because I am not a professional photographer. This picture I quote because to fulfill the duties of lecturer I and to share the science that the importance of photo for man.




  • Location
In the administrative building of SDN 14 Tamar is located on the Tamar, Village of Mariana, District of Pontianak City, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

  Times have changed. Buildings that are popping up the more modern, including the school building.The building of SDN 14 Tamar this, for example, is building SD on the Dutch Building SD is still showing its authenticity since it was founded in 1902 by the Dutch Government.according to history, the Dutch east Indies government established a school with the aim to conduct education volkschool. In fact, the school was only intended for the children of Dutch people. In 1928, the Dutch Government to allow indigenous people to attend school the place, although still limited to allow the children of high-ranking officials. New in 1950 after indonesia's up to independence, the indigenous peoples from all walks of life are allowed and have the same opportunities as others in education in this school.No wonder, in the age of the building that was old, is still standing.

 Zaman sudah berubah. Bangunan-bangunan yang bermunculan semakin modern, tak terkecuali gedung sekolah.Bangunan SDN 14 Tamar ini contohnya, merupakan bangunan SD pada masa jaman Belanda Bangunan SD ini masih menunjukkan keasliannya semenjak didirikan pada tahun 1902 oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda.menurut sejarah, pemerintah Hindia Belanda mendirikan sekolah dengan tujuan untuk mengadakan pendidikan volkschool. Padahal, sekolah itu hanya diperuntukan bagi anak-anak orang belanda saja. Pada tahun 1928, Pemerintah Hindia Belanda memperbolehkan orang pribumi untuk bersekolah ditempat tersebut, meski masih sebatas memperbolehkan anak-anak petinggi dan pejabat saja. Baru di tahun 1950 usai indonesia terserah kemerdekaan, masyarakat pribumi dari semua kalangan diperbolehkan dan memiliki kesempatan yang sama dengan yang lainnya dalam mengenyam pendidikan di sekolah ini.Tak heran, di usia bangunannya yang telah tua ini, masih tegak berdiri.

Garis Khatulistiwa.
  • Location
         Jl. The Equator, The Batu Layang, Pontianak Utara, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Peristiwal rare natural happening is the culmination of the Sun that can be found on the area which is crossed by the equator line. One of the cities that have this privilege in Indonesia, is the city of Pontianak which is located at the point of 0 degrees when it happened. A natural phenomenon that is rare and unique, is usually commemorated every year as an effort to lure local tourists in Indonesia.

Peristiwal alam yang langka terjadi adalah kulminasi Matahari yang bisa ditemukan pada daerah yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa. Salah satu kota yang memiliki keistimewaan ini di Indonesia, adalah kota Pontianak yang berada pada titik 0 derajat saat peristiwa ini terjadi. Sebuah fenomena alam yang jarang terjadi dan unik, biasanya diperingati setiap tahunnya sebagai upaya untuk memikat kunjungan wisatawan lokal di penjuru Indonesia.

Home Radakng, The Traditional House Of Dayak With The Hallmark Of Pontianak.
  • Location
        Jl. Sutan Syahrir, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Home Radakng is one of the places of culture in pontianak, west kalimantan, which is located at the address Jalan Sultan Syahrir, Kota Baru, Pontianak. Home Radakng is a Dayak traditional house commonly known by the name of Long House or Rumah Betang. This house is a house reflika a replica of the House Radakng (long house). Home radakng this you can visit if you berknjung our city. Home inflammation is also sometimes used people as a place of exhibition is sometimes also used for other events for example events such as the gawai dayak. And in this place dibiasanya visited by the local community to take photos etc

Rumah Radakng merupakan salah satu tempat wisata budaya di pontianak kalimantan barat, Tepatnya berada di alamat Jalan Sultan Syahrir, Kota Baru, Pontianak. Rumah Radakng merupakan rumah adat Suku Dayak yang biasa dikenal dengan nama Rumah Panjang atau Rumah Betang. Rumah ini sebuah rumah reflika replika dari Rumah Radakng (rumah panjang). Rumah radakng ini dapat anda kunjungi apabila anda berknjung kota kami. Rumah radang ini pun terkadang digunakan masyarakat sebagai tempat pameran terkadang  juga digunakan untuk acara lainnya contohnya seperti acara gawai dayak. Dan ditempat ini dibiasanya dikunjungi oleh masyarakat setempat unutuk berfoto- foto dll.

A Row Of Coffee Shops In The Region
  • Location.
          JL. Gajah Mada Pontianak city, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

At this time the coffee beverage has been made as a lifestyle, because coffee has now become part of the routine of daily lifestyle. The coffee shop has already become a common things that are often found in cities, as a place to relax and gather with friends. But not with this one, because this is one of the township everything is lined up the coffee shop. The rows of the coffee shop is located in JL. Gajah Mada Pontianak city. 


Pada saat ini minuman kopi sudah dijadikan sebagai gaya hidup, karena kopi saat ini sudah menjadi bagian dari rutinitas gaya hidup sehari-hari. Warung kopi sudah menjadi hal umum yang sering dijumpai di kota-kota, sebagai tempat untuk bersantai dan berkumpul bersama teman-teman. Namun tidak dengan yang satu ini, karena ini adalah satu perkampungan semuanya berjejer warung kopi. Deretan warung kopi ini terletak di JL. Gajah Mada kota Pontianak.
 • Location.
       JL.Tanjung pura, pontianak city, west kalimantan, indonesia.

Rickshaw is a mode of transportation tricycle is found in many region in Indonesia. Generally a rickshaw and unloading boarded by 2 people. The vehicle is driven with the help of human power, like bicycles. In a rickshaw, the passenger is in the front with the driver pedaling sepada in the back.

In Indonesia, You can get around the city using a rickshaw. When the rickshaw ride, the gentle breeze will accompany Your journey. For example like on the road but unfortunately associated with the advancement of technology a three-wheeled transport is rare.

Becak adalah moda transportasi roda tiga yang banyak ditemukan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Umumnya becak muat ditumpangi oleh 2 orang. Kendaraan ini digerakkan dengan bantuan tenaga manusia, seperti sepeda. Di becak, penumpang berada di depan dengan pengemudi mengayuh sepada di bagian belakang.

Di Indonesia, Anda bisa berkeliling kota menggunakan becak. Saat menaiki becak, angin sepoi-sepoi akan menemani perjalanan Anda. Contohnya seperti dijalan namun sayangnya terkait dengan kemajuan teknologi transportasi roda tiga ini jarang dijumpi. 

So what can I say, if there are errors in writing please understand.thank you😊😊😊.

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